Family Entertainment
Rare & Collectible Vinyl Records


Family Entertainment
1969 Two Color Steamboat Label Original With The Rare, Giant Four Foot By Two Foot Poster. 1D/1D Stampers. Family's debut album "Family Entertainment" is a captivating and musically diverse work that showcases the band's unique approach to rock music. The album features a mix of hard-hitting blues rock, folk-inspired acoustic tracks, and psychedelic jams that all come together in a cohesive and dynamic package.

Songs like "Hung Up Down" and "Summer '67" are prime examples of the band's ability to seamlessly blend different styles and genres, while tracks like "The Weaver's Answer" and "Dim" showcase their strong songwriting skills and raw emotional power.

The album is also notable for its impressive musicianship, featuring Ric Grech from Blind Faith Fame and John "Charlie" Whitney on Guitar.

Overall, "Family Entertainment" is a worthwhile debut that established Family as one of the forefront's of Psychedelia and Progressive Rock between 1967 and 1973


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  • Artist: Family
  • Genre: Pop
  • Type: Used - LP
  • Label: Reprise
  • Catalog ID: RS 6340
  • Condition:
    Very Good Plus (VG+)
    Very Good Plus (VG+)
  • Country ID: USA
  • SKU: 177073

Track List

A1 The Weaver's Answer 4:58
A2 Observations From A Hill 3:12
A3 Hung Up Down 3:14
A4 Summer '67 3:18
A5 How-Hi-The-Li 4:58
B1 Second Generation Woman 3:13
B2 From Past Archives 3:22
B3 Dim 3:31
B4 Processions 2:54
B5 Face In The Cloud 2:56
B6 Emotions 5:12

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